KUNM Interview

miamerica2020Media, New Mexico History, U.S. History, U.S. Southwest History

On Monday, September 17, 2021 Manuel Romero was interview about his book, “Mi America: The Evolution of An American Family on The University of New Mexico’s radio station KUNM on the Program “Espejos de Aztlan. by Froilan Orozco. Espejos de Aztlan is a Latino bilingual arts and public affairs program that airs weekly on Mondays. Listen in on the link below.

Page 95: Tragedy in Taos

miamerica2020American History, New Mexico History, U.S. History, U.S. Southwest History

On January 21st, Colonel Price led more than 300 U.S. troops and 65 volunteers north through the snow from Santa Fé to Taos, beating back a contingent of some 1,500 Nuevomejicanos and Pueblo Indians at Santa Cruz and Embudo Pass. On February 3rd, Colonel Price marched through the city of Taos unopposed, and discovered the insurgents, who had retreated to the Taos Pueblo, taking refuge in the thick adobe walled church of San Geronimo.While the native resisters fought mostly with bows and arrows along with a few guns, the Americans responded with cannons. Price’s cannons shot through the church walls, … Read More

She did not cross the border. The border crossed her.

miamerica2020American History, Early Spain, New Mexico History, U.S. Southwest HistoryLeave a Comment

“We are no longer citizens of Spain” In the fall of 1821, just after Mexico won its independence from Spain, my mother’s great-great-grandmother, María Dela Cruz Rivera, was 22 years old and living just outside Santa Fé. One day, she saw her younger sister running up a hill with news about to burst from her lips. Short of breath and confused, her sister says to María, “Hermanita, ya no somos ciudadanas de España. Somos ciudadanas de México,” We are no longer citizens of Spain, we are now citizens of Mexico. A citizen of three different countries without ever leaving home … Read More