February 18, 2021

Page 324: A Profound Sense of Connection



In 2010 I was presented with the Martin Luther King Jr. Drum Major Award by the Utah Martin Luther King Jr. Commission, and in March of 2013, I received the César Chávez Peace and Justice Lifetime Achievement award.

I expressed my profound sense of connection with the audience by saying, “So many of you are a part of who I am”.

Author Manuel Romero

My Gratitude

These awards were indeed an honor and I was grateful to the many people who “honor and I was grateful to the many people who made them possible. When accepting these awards, I was finally able to say so much of what I felt. While I don’t recall my speech, I remember thanking my parents and Lisa-Michele Church for the opportunity she gave me. The thing I remember best was that I expressed my profound sense of connection with the audience by saying, “So many of you are a part of who I am”.